Thursday, February 27, 2014

Información Sobre Las Mamografías

By: Atieh Novin, MSII

¿Que es una mamografía?
Una mamografía es un imagen que se toma de su seno usando una radiografía. Este imagen se puede usar para averiguar la existencia de cáncer de ceno en mujeres que no tienen ningunas síntomas. En este proceso se toman dos imágenes de cada ceno . Si hay algún tumor en los senos se pueden ver en estos imágenes. La mamografía también puede mostrar depósitos de calcio que no son necesariamente cáncer.

¿Cuales son los beneficios de la mamografía?
La detección temprana de cáncer de seno significa que tratamientos comenzarán mas temprano, antes de que se propague a otras partes de su cuerpo. Investigaciones de salud han mostrado reducciones en mortalidad de cáncer de seno con detecciones tempranas como la mamografía.

Las recomendaciones:
-          Mujeres de edad 40 o mas deben hacer mamografías cada uno o dos anos.
-          Mujeres con diferentes formas de cáncer en su familia pueden tener mas riesgo de cáncer de seno. Es posible que tendrán que comenzar mamografías, mas temprano que la edad 40. Su doctor les puede decir si esto seria necesario. 

Autoexamen de los seno es un simple método que también se puede usar para prevenir complicaciones.

¿Cuanto cuesta una mamografía?
Para las mujeres con seguro de salud privada, generalmente se ofrece servicios de mamografía a ningún costo. Medicare ofrece mamografías gratis para mujeres mas de 40 anos de edad. Si necesita mas información sobre mamografías a bajo costo o gratis puede llamar a 1-800-4-CANCER (1-800-422-6237).


Monday, February 24, 2014

Case Examples of the ACA

Dr. Foster giving a seminar on teen
health and the Affordable Care Act
The Affordable Care Act has been on many people's minds as open enrollment closes in just 35 days. In fact our Women's Health Seminar Series last week discussed the topic. But many healthcare providers and potential buyers are still confused as to what it means, who is eligible and who stands to benefit. recently posted a great article giving a doctor's analysis of what the ACA means for her patients. Jill Foster, MD of St. Christopher's Hospital for Children uses real patient examples to paint a picture of who does and who does not benefit from the ACA. However, you will not know for sure if you or your patients can benefit unless you to find out. The healthcare marketplace website, has a plan estimator that allows users to get an idea of what they are eligible for in just a few minutes. Healthcare professionals should encourage all patients who are not covered by private insurance or medicaid to review their options instead of opting out. And if you are someone who is still unsure how the ACA can work for you make sure to visit the website and do some research before the deadline! There are several resources for contacting individuals to help get enrolled on the healthcare website.

(Article) A doctor examines how Obamacare could affect her patients

Contact a representative or find someone in your area

Friday, February 21, 2014

Drug Differences in Women & Men

There are many differences between men and women, but when it comes to medicine and research, There are times when there is little investigation past the obvious reproductive organs, with the assumption that everything else is the same. While sex and gender medical research is still fairly new, we are learning more and more that women and men are different in ways we never realized. One very important example drug reactions in the body. Research has shown that women and men's bodies respond to certain drugs in different ways; however there is currently only one drug in the US that recommends women take a different dosage than men. Many studies still choose to use only make test subjects, under the assumption that women and men will have the same reaction to a drug. Even in studies where both men and women are tested, some choose not to compare the findings between the two groups. CBS recently aired a segment called "Sex Matters: Drugs Can Affect Sexes Differently" that talks about the importance of drug differences and explains the problems behind lack of comparison testing and why it can be detrimental to both women and men. It is essential that additional steps are taken towards uncovering more sex and gender differences to provide tailored and useful care to everyone. Take some time to watch this interesting video!

(Video)Sex Matters: Drugs Can Affect Sexes Differently

Friday, February 14, 2014

Healthy Valentine's Day!

People celebrate Valentine's Day in many different ways, with not all of them being particularly healthy. The "perfect" day often is celebrated with food, candy, alcohol and sometimes too much money. Here are some health tips in addition to those released by the CDC to have a safe and healthy Valentine's Day. 
  • Make Healthy Food Choices - Many people choose to go out for fancy dinners on Valentine's day while being surrounded by treats all day long. If you choose to make valentines a day for splurging on dinner, avoid snacks and candies that are often made appealing by their cute shape. If you are more into the v-day treats, think of healthier alternatives. Instead of buying boxes of chocolate, consider melting chocolate and dipping fruit in it. Little changes can really reduce the calorie load put on the body in one day. 
  • Limit Alcohol consumption and be safe - With valentines day being on a Friday this year, many may go out for drinks. Be sure to always limit your alcohol consumption, never leave drinks unattended and always be in the company of at least one other person (or more depending on the size of your party) who will not be drinking. 
  • Remember Your Mental Health and That of Others - Valentine's Day can also be very stressful and put pressure on people to make the day perfect. If you are exchanging gifts with someone this year, there are various things you can do if you feel that giving gifts is causing stress. Some alternatives are going somewhere special instead, like a day or weekend trip. You can also make fun rules ("who can get the most interesting thing for five dollars?") to encourage creativity and allow you and your partner to loosen up.  On another vein, some people can become sad or depressed if they do not think there is a way to make the day special. Be kind to others, and reach out to friends and family who may be having a difficult time 
In the end Valentine's Day is just another day, make sure to show the one's you love how you feel everyday and not just once a year. Have a great one!


Valentine's Day is also V-day, a day where the organization One Billion Rising for Justice raises awareness about domestic violence. For more information and how to get involved, click here 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Transmisogyny - Creating Awareness

Transmisogyny is a concept less commonly discussed than other types of prejudice and unequal treatment such as sexism, gender bias, homophobia and transphobia. In fact transmisogyny combines all four of these things and looks specifically at the disproportionate hate shown towards transwomen or those on the feminine spectrum of transgender. In the United States, over half of all trans hate crimes are directed towards transwomen. In addition, almost half of all transwomen reporting crimes have also faced maltreatment by law enforcement. They experience higher rates of poverty and homelessness in association with discrimination in the job and housing market. They are also highly profiled and routinely arrested for assumed involvement in illegal activities such as prostitution.

Why is this important? Transmisogyny devalues feminine qualities and marks transwomen as "exotic" or "freaky". It puts a hyper focus on genitalia and the classification of what a person "is" while forgetting who they are on the inside.  And it creates a world where transwomen are  disadvantaged and in danger just for being themselves. 

In 2012, Jenna Talackova
was the first Transgender
woman to participate in
Miss Universe Canada
Transwomen also face issues with access to healthcare, as the U.S. system predominately built on exclusively men's and women's health issues. For healthcare professionals, it is important to make all of your patients feel welcome and accepted, despite personal beliefs. It is also important to know where to find resources when your knowledge on patient issues is limited. For trans patients, your health is more important than the "comfort" of your provider. Make sure to disclose important information with your doctor. If you don't feel good about your current doctor, find a new one! There are many doctors out there who specialize or are notably comfortable with LGBTQ patients.  Make sure that you keep your health your #1 priority and know your rights as a patient. 

We have seen great strides in Trans-visibility in recent years in TV shows, prime time interviews and beauty pageants. At the same time, we are still not past the possibility of transwoman being the victim of a hate crime while just walking down the street. We need to be aware of the issue and spread acceptance instead of hate, so one day we can overlook the "trans" and allow transitioning females to be who they are.

Read the Full article about this topic >> Everyday Feminism - Transmisogyny: What is it?

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Go Red Today!

Today is National Wear Red Day, a campaign developed by the American Heart Association to acknowledge the impact that heart disease has on women. In the United States, heart disease claims the lives of more women than all forms of cancer combined. People are wearing red across the nation to raise awareness, honor those who had, or currently have heart disease; and to celebrate all of the accomplishments made in the last 10 years to reduce the impact of this disease. To name just a few of these triumphs, when compared to just 10 years ago:

  • 34% fewer women are dying from heart disease.
  • Women have deceased their risk, with 15% fewer smoking and 18% less with high cholesterol. 
  • More gender specific guidelines have been developed.

Still, about one third of adult women have some form of cardiovascular disease. To bring that number down, it is important that doctors and patients communicate about development risk, lifestyle and prevention. Making more people aware of the high prevalence of this disease and the risks can save lives. Please choose to wear red today for this great cause, but remember any day is a good day to spread the word about heart disease!

Resources from the American Heart Association:

AHA Official Go Red For Women Website 

10 Big accomplishments in 10 years

 About heart disease in women (facts, signs research) 

Know your risk

Get involved!

Monday, February 3, 2014

¿Que es la violencia doméstica?

La violencia doméstica se refiere a la relación intima entre parejas en la que una persona abusa a la otra en diferentes formas como por ejemplo sexual, emocional, o económico. Esta forma de violencia puede afectar a personas de cualquier nivel socio-económico, edad, o raza. La mayoría de las victimas son mujeres. A veces es difícil poder decir si una persona es victima de abuso pero es importante conocer los signos para protegerse.

¿Cuales son los signos del abuso?
Su pareja:
-          supervisa lo que hace todo el tiempo
-          la acusa ser infiel
-          no le deja ver su familia o amigos
-          no le deja trabajar o estudiar
-          controla su dinero
-          amenaza a lastimar a si mismo cuando se enoja
-          le pega, empuja, o usa otras coerciones físicas
-          le forza tener sexo cuando usted no quiera
-          amenaza a lastimar a usted y sus hijos
-          le hecha la culpa de su actitud violento a usted
-          se enoja muchísimo después de tomar alcohol o usar drogas

¿Que puede hacer para protegerse?
Es importante reconocer los signos de abuso y encontrar ayuda. Cada estado tiene diferentes leyes para proteger a las victimas. Avise a su medico,  abogado, o asistente social para que le encuentre apoyo. Ustedes se puede ayudar a si mismo con disminuir cuanto depende a su pareja. Puede encontrar empleo, planificar su vida económica, y cuidar a sus hijos. Hay muchas organizaciones que le pueden ayudar con esto. Si necesita ayuda inmediatamente, llame a 911 o a la Línea de Emergencia Nacional para la Violencia Doméstica 1-800-799- SAFE (7233). 
